Sunday, May 17, 2020

The Economic and Social Relations of a Globalizing World Free Essay Example, 1750 words

If certain aspects of the neo-liberal globalization project have had benign consequences, there has also been a fair share of criticisms. The economic globalization process also coincided with the boom in cable and satellite broadcast television and the Internet, which has indeed made the world a smaller place. A consequence of these developments is the exposure and adoption of Western cultural practices that manifest in the form of fashion, clothing, lifestyle patterns, changing nature of interpersonal relationships, conspicuous consumption, etc. Some critics point out that what is at play is a type of cultural imperialism, which constantly competes and replaces native, indigenous cultural practices in the developing world. Again, there is plenty of scholarly evidence to support the validity of this claim, beyond what is common knowledge. (Knox Pinch, 2000) There are two different ways in which the increasing resemblance between cities is interpreted. While some see it in terms of weakening of local culture and tradition, others see it as a progressive development. The United Nations Human Settlements Program (UN-HABITAT), which undertakes extensive studies on subjects such as globalization, population displacement, economic immigration, etc, released in 2004 a report titled The State of the World s Cities. We will write a custom essay sample on The Economic and Social Relations of a Globalizing World or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/page

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